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How to add Facebook and Twitter Buttons to Line Up Horizontally on Blogger

How to add Facebook and Twitter Buttons to Line Up Horizontally on Blogger ?
facebook and twitter
Social networking buttons are important to give the blog readers the option of sharing and interaction. Provide them the ability to connect with your site through social networks like Facebook and Twitter Buttons. The visitors of your blog may want to see your Facebook Page, twitter or other social networks too, so put these buttons on your Blog. They’ll view your Facebook page and may “like” it too, which opens their Facebook news feeds to your posts. When users click a Twitter button on your blog, they’ll view your Twitter account and may follow it, opening their Twitter feeds to your tweets about your company developments. If you are going to put facebook and twitter button manually, you need to create a table and put the codes as cells in a row of a table. Here is the step by step guide.

1.Log in to your Blogger dashboard and Go to Template. Then ‘edit HTML’
2.Scroll to the block for the blog’s footer. It begins with the following code:


3.Now just below the above code. type these code to make a table structure:

Insert your Facebook button code.
Insert your Twitter button code.

Click “Save.” This will put your social buttons horizontaly, you can add as much as other social buttons in the same way, just adding the tabel cells. You are done.