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Editing pages on Blogger got more easy


Yes, we all know that bloger platform is super easy to start writing blogs. They made Editing pages on Blogger more easy. And its more easy to manage, organize, and over all edit the pages in the Blogger dashboard. The news was posted on Blogger Buzz and is now available for all users. As a result, the organization of pages and posts is standardized and allows new options for those who follow the performance of these pages only through the Blogger dashboard.

The pages help spread specific information about you and your blog, which could easily get lost in the middle of the posts. So you can create and edit pages on the blog , who am I , advertise , contact , etc. Simply click on the new page , or select the page and click edit.

Static pages in Blogger undated
How to create pages
How to insert, edit, and delete bookmarks in Blogger.

With the new page manager design you can now:

Track the status of the page (published, draft, and imported).
Analyze how many views each of the page recieved.
See how many comments were made, if comments are enabled.
Manage multiple pages at the same time.

New design is light to handle and it make easier to organize the pages on the Blogger dashboard.