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  • Top and Flops of 2016

    Top and flops : Every day thousands of startups and innovative inventions are being generated in the field of hi-tech digital world. The 2016 has been a year of great success for some and resounding flop in the world of technology. We have seen explosive mobile phones, monsters VR, some videogame failures and some with […]

  • iPhone7: charging is really slow

    As we all know, Apple has introduced various interesting innovations such as key note, apple TV, smart watches, ipads and more. Among them, iPhone is one of the most popular and successful innovation. In the new iPhone 7, they promised us to increase the battery life and reduce the problems. It will be capable of […]

  • Apple maps – a challenge to Google

    Apple is always facing a tough competition with the giant Google in the field of world technology. There are many fields of battle between the two companies, but now the heart of this confrontation is the management of maps and mapping of the planet earth. For years, Google has made an empire on the world […]

  • iPhone 8 will be wireless charging

    Yes you read it right. The next invention of Apple technology will be wireless charging iPhone8. We have reviewed a lot about the short battery life and problems regarding battery of the previous versions of iPhones several times. Today also we are going to talk on this matter but its not about the battery problems […]